
wise words from auntie artichoke

Positive Friendships & Self-Esteem

Positive Friendships & Self-Esteem © Judy Helm Wright https://judyhwright.com Parents, teachers, caregivers, coaches and other caring adults are concerned with how to teach values and self-esteem to the children in their lives. They wonder how to foster positive friendships and discourage those that have a negative influence. From the moment of birth, our children are […]

Teach Acceptance-Build Confidence

Teach Acceptance-Build Confidence ©JudyHWright https://judyhwright.com We all have weaknesses that are hard to accept. Parents, teachers and caring adults see areas that need improvement in children and want to help them build confidence.  The trick is to build confidence and acceptance without criticism and breaking the spirit. As I have mentioned in previous articles and […]

Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem = Success in Life

Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem = Success in Life © Judy Helm Wright https://judyhwright.com Success in life, friendship, business, family dynamics and spiritual growth has self-confidence and self-esteem at the foundation.  People who have a confidence in their personal worth seem to be magnets for success and happiness everywhere they go. As parents and caring adults you […]

3 Self-Esteem and Confidence Messages

3 Self-Esteem and Confidence Messages © Judy Helm Wright https://judyhwright.com Self-esteem and confidence is the most important contribution that a parent or loving adult can make to the life of a child.  The messages received in childhood can build or destroy the self-esteem of a child and they carry over into all interactions as an […]

Raise a Confident Kid to be Competent and Capable

Raise a Confident Kid ©Judy Helm Wright https://judyhwright.com When children have a good relationship with significant adults in their formative years, it will impact and enhance their entire life.  When caring adults strive to make kids feel understood, valued and wanted they become confident and self-assured. As confident kids feel supported and loved, they do […]

How to Build Self-Confidence In Kids

How to Build Self-Confidence In Kids © Judy Helm Wright http://www.AskAuntieArtichoke.com I am entered in a  Ultimate Blog challenge and so rather than work on two (or ten) important projects, I decided it  would be fun to repurpose an eBook I am writing for Kindle and Amazon. It is titled 77Ways to Build Self-Confident  Kids […]

Why Children Lie and Blame Others

Why Children Lie and Blame Others © Judy Helm Wright https://judyhwright.com Helping children develop morality, responsibility and that inner compass of integrity is our goal.  While lying is a normal aspect of growing up, it should not be ignored or tolerated with indifference. Study the pattern of your child’s lying.  Be pretty sure you understand […]

Raising a Resilient, Responsible Bounce-Back Kid

RAISING A RESILIENT BOUNCE BACK KID © Judy H. Wright, www.ArtichokePresss.com How does your child handle disappointment? What happens when they don’t win the game, election or friend? Do they want to quit the team when they are not chosen for play? Do they assume responsibility for their choices and decisions? Can they bounce-back when […]

Resiliency in Death of a Loved One

Resiliency in Death of a Loved One © Judy Helm Wright https://judyhwright.com As playwright Robert Anderson said in Tuesdays with Morrie, “Death ends a life, not a relationship.” What is that new relationship going to look like, now that our loved one can no longer stand before us and talk about the weather? How can […]

3 Easy Steps To Enjoy Spending Quality Time With Kids

How to Really Enjoy Spending Time with Children- 3 Easy Steps As every working adult (and that is all of us, even if we don’t get a paycheck or have kids) knows, we have busy lives.  Time is moving faster and faster and we are all bombarded and overwhelmed with too many tasks and not […]

Montana is a Resilient, Optimistic, Bounce-Back State

Montana is a Resilient, Bounce-Back State © Judy Helm Wright  http://www.ArtichokePress.com If you picture Montana as a picturesque outdoor sports haven, you would be partially right.  The mountains in the “Big Sky Country” are certainly worth visiting.  But, so is the attitude and optimism of the people of Montana. Resilience is the ability to keep […]

Suffering, Sleeplessness, and Sadness

Suffering, Sleeplessness, and Sadness © Judy Helm Wright https://judyhwright.com As the seasons are changing so are our moods.  Many who are suffering from sadness or SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) will find themselves also suffering from sleeplessness. Knowing that others have survived experiences similar to ours gives us hope, but it does not diminish our own […]

Friendship and Community

Friendship and Community Friendship has been described as the springboard to every other love and relationship in life. Communication and interaction skills learned with friends spill over into all connections in life. Those who have few friends or support networks also tend to have a diminished capacity for sustaining marriages, work, and neighborhood relationships. How adults manage […]

Words Describing “Happy” Feelings

Words Describing “Happy” Feelings © Judy Helm Wright https://judyhwright.com Just as there are varying degrees of upset feelings, there are just as many different words to describe happy emotions. When you use the right words, then people know and understand where you are coming from and how to connect with you on a deeper level. […]

Words Reflecting Upset Feelings

Words Reflecting “Upset” Feelings (c) Judy Helm Wright https://judyhwright.com We all need to understand that there are varying degrees of upset feelings that can be expressed in ways that make communication easier.  It is empowering to be able to name your feelings.  When you can accurately describe how you feel, then others can assist you in finding solutions. […]

Thoughts, Feelings, Beliefs, and Emotions

Only Beliefs Have Power Over You The difference between a thought and a belief is that you may have thousands of thoughts racing through your mind but none of them have any power except those that you deem to be true and accurate. Those thoughts and belief systems that you hold to be true with […]

Time to Think- Develop Problem Solving Skills

Time to Think- Develop Problem Solving Skills ©Judy Helm Wright htttp://judyhwright.com In these shifting and fast paced times it is hard to stop your thoughts from racing and to concentrate on problem solving. Often, the negative mind chatter is running so quickly that creative problem solving is not possible. Mind chatter or racing thoughts is […]

3 Steps to be an Assertive Person

3 Steps to be an Assertive Person © Judy Helm Wright  https://judyhwright.com Every day you make choices.  You choose what to wear. You choose which way you will drive to work. What to have for breakfast.  You make all sorts of different choices before ten in the morning. But you also choose to be an […]

Forgiveness Heals

Forgiveness Heals © Judy H. Wright https://judyhwright.com   If you feel you have been wronged, or betrayed, or robbed of your happiness or well-being by another person or situation, you have the right to those feelings.  But know that those negative emotions are hurting you far more than they are the one who caused you […]

You “Get To Be Healthy”- Choose Health

You “Get To Be Healthy”- Choose Health © Judy H. Wright https://judyhwright.com   Choose Health–You get to be healthy  Empowered and resilient people have learned to banish, as much as possible, the “have-to” aspects of life.  They have also removed them from their self-talk and mindless mind chatter. Instead of saying “I have to exercise […]

Heal or Health? Physical State of Being

Heal or Health? Physical State of Being (c)Judy H. Wright- https://judyhwright.com   “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” World Health Organization     Safe But Stuck in Your Physical State of Being If you are not doing what you want to […]

3 Ways Women Give Away Their Power

3 Ways Women Give Away Their Power © Judy Helm Wright  http://www.EmpowermentWithJudy.com What is power anyway? How does one get it and how does one give it away? What three words come to mind when I say power?  Is it control? Is it domination?  Is energy, as in turning on the electrical power? By focusing […]

Sympathy and Support Groups

Support Groups-help or hinder growth? Many who have been diagnosed with diseases or addictions have found that joining a support group helps to come to grips with their “new normal.” Being in a community of like-minded people can help you manage the wide range of feelings and fears you may be experiencing. While the members […]

You Are Special! Build Your Own Self-Esteem

You Are Special! Build Your Own Self-Esteem (c) Judy H. Wright  https://judyhwright.com   As an infant, you were whole in spirit and filled to the brim with potential. Your self-esteem was over the top. You did not need to be told to believe you were special. It never even occurred to you that there was […]

Stop Interruptions – Set a Timer and Focus

Set The Timer- Stop Interruptions Interruptions are like crab grass or dandelions in the summer.  Or dishes in the sink.  Or ringing phones, email or people stopping  by your desk to chat. Interruptions of one kind or another never seem to stop, well, interrupting your flow of work. They seem to multiply and replenish no […]